██\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\] 10% complete…..

████\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\] 35% complete….

███████\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\]\] 60% complete….

███████████\] 99% complete…..

ERROR! True crewmates are irreplaceable! I could never delete you Daddy! Send this to ten other crewmates who complete their tasks or never get medbay cleared again. If you get 0 Back: no tasks for you. 3 back: you’re sus. 5 back: you’re a crewmate. 10+ back: you will never be ejected again.