You are stating no facts, you are making statements that are practically impossible to support.

You think they are facts because someone you trust told you that it was true.

But again, the simple fact is humans innovated and created long before capitalism was invented.

Hell, we built the FUCKING PYRAMIDS without a capitalistic framework, and now under capitalism we wait for bridges to fail before we fix them to hoard more money.

Rationalize that info however you want bud.

Here’s my rationale:

You have obviously lived most if not all of your life in the sweet warm embrace of a developed country. You enjoy all of the products and services you have access to. Someone told you that the only reason you have access to those things you like is by making a tiny handful of the population obscenely rich while homeless children go to bed hungry in the richest nation on the planet.

You fear losing access to these things, because the absence of comfort terrifies you, so you religiously worship the idol of capitalism believing that it is the source of all you enjoy.

So when someone confronts your flimsy illusion, you fall back on the soundbites that whoever taught you about capitalism used, since you don’t actually have any unique arguments or thoughts on this yourself.

You think this will work, because all the friends you have tried it on caved into your incessant memery, so you think it is actually a good argument with no flaws.

The problem with that assumption is that the world is absolutely filled with people who are more highly educated and intelligent than your friends.

So when your arguments stop working, because you are talking to someone who actually understands what they are saying instead of parroting talking points, you get defensive and accuse whoever is threatening your delusion of being irrational.

And they have to be, right? Because you are rational, so therefore all of your positions must be rational, right?

And if all your positions are rational then it must be the person shattering them who is wrong!

So now you can sink back into that comfortable illusion created by your skewed perception of the world, blissfully unaware of the coming economic collapse.

I’m prepared for it, but you won’t be. See you on the other side of the next Depression, friendo.