god i hate this pairing so fucking much
“Lets spend 700 chapters over the course of 15 years developing Naruto’s relationship with his close friend Sakura, only for her to keep obsessing over and eventually getting impregnated by some asexual sociopath who doesn’t give a shit about her and tried to kill her twice. Oh…and I suppose we can ship the main character with irrelevant purple-haired girl who is practically filler character. What’s that? She got little to no screen time in FIFTEEN YEARS? Let’s give her 90-minute movie to shut the haters up and create the illusion of romance!”
Yeaaaaah, no. I would’ve even been ok with Karin hooking up with Naruto. Or better yet, SAKURA. You know…because Naruto actually loves her as supposed to Sasuke?? Or, for you normies out there who just want a wholesome non-lewd anime, I would’ve even been ok with Naruto not hooking up anyone in the end. I’m 100% serious. Even that is better than garbage Naru x Hina. Like, holy shit. Eventually Kishimoto’s story started to write itself based on the mythos and personalities of the characters he created, but this mofo just ignored all that and decided to ship Naruto with irrelevant purple girl because why the fuck not I guess. I imagine Naruto x Hinata was the goal since Chapter 1, but Kishi literally put in ZERO effort developing anything resembling a relationship between those two. And no, Hinata muttering Naruto’s name when he is nearby is not sufficient. Yet, here we are.

source: http://knowyourmeme.com/comments/4173317