We’ve had no blacklist for a long time and this subreddit has been pretty close to complete anarchy. This allowed the posers to thrive and think they’re safe here. But this will change today as from now on the rivers of r/metalmemes will flow with poser tears again. The blacklist will be enforced again and no poser will be safe. To start our new Poser Purge we have decided to ban all active users of r/Slipknot. This will mean the banning of 2670 posers. These Posers have been infecting our subreddit for way too long, a purge was inevitable. In the last few weeks, this subreddit was full of low effort memes, a lot of them being slipknot memes, so we will get rid of them to achieve more high quality memes. I’m sure this will be a great start to get this subreddit in a better place again. Of course this will not affect you if you only participated in this subreddit for a few times, only if you were an active member you will get the hammer. But as a King, I will of course need servants to help oppress the poser maggots, so mod applications are open. Because of problems with the link, the mod applications will be in a different post