I can’t get a half chub without looking like some sort of freak and having strangers stare at me. It’s like a midget is trapped in my pants and trying to burst out.

The benefit for women is purely psychological. Let’s be real ladies, you can’t feel that extra 3 inches. Nice of Darwin to curse me with this monster so you can brag to your female peers about it. Smh. I wish penis reduction existed. I’d get it in a heartbeat. I’m tired of walking around with this thing. Best I can do is SRS but…ew. Strangely there was a video on Yotube of that shit and…wow.

And obviously I’m not trans so. Can’t even sit down to take a shit without this fucking thing touching the water. I have to hold it up like it’s some crank helping me blow that last chunk out.

Just wanted to vent guys, thank you.




^from ^/r/confessions