When I last tried to whistleblow this, it got ignored, but Dennis Prager is a CIA PSYOP. He’s some form of supremely advanced bioweapon, the kind of which we’ve never seen. I know this as a fact.

I joined the CIA, and, after a few years of excellent service, got nominated to work on a top-secret project. So, we all know about MKUltra, right? Well, there was a twin project. Established in 07/27/1955, we made a backup, project MKPrager. Whenever MKUltra got put on the backburner and eventually shitcanned, we switched focus to MKPrager. Little did we know what kind of horror we were tapping into.

Dennis isn’t a human anymore. I’ve seen the records, our archives, our analysis, and He’s something else. He’s almost alien, almost, but there’s something so abjectly wrong about Him. I’ve seen what can happen when He is unleashed. The Arby’s Incident, which we spent years and tens of thousands of dollars to cover up (we don’t know HOW you all uncovered that), was the worst fucking thing I’ve ever lived through. I was in my squad, at Arby’s. We were sitting there, bullshitting and joking. Then, He walked in. Dennis Prager walked in. It was horrific. We nearly screamed. We nearly ran. But we just sat in abject horror as the Arby’s Incident happened. It was 07/27/2009. I don’t know what it is about that date, but it always seems to haunt me ever since I began to work on MKPrager.

But he’s far more dangerous than any one of you will ever know. That Arby’s Incident was only a most minute fraction of what he is capable of. For an, example, the entire area of the United States, about 3,796,742.23 square miles, would only take 0.05% of what He is capable of. The whole Earth has around 57.51 million square miles of land area. Dennis Prager could perform the Arby’s Incident at a vastly increased scale and potency over 19,667,035,000,000,000 square miles of land. That is around 354,297,153 Earths that he could cover.