Carti raises a good point here. While many scientists postulate that wormholes are merely a projection of the 4th dimension, and only the discovery of negative matter and negative energy will enable us to achieve faster-than-light travel, Carti challenges this view by demonstrating how wormholes are consistent with Einstein’s general theory of relativity. He offers solutions to gaps in wormhole theory and derives the following equation: G\_{\\mu \\nu }+\\Lambda g\_{\\mu \\nu }={8\\pi G \\over c\^{4}}T\_{\\mu \\nu } As a quantum physicist myself, I believe Carti’s equation may offer solutions to gaps in general relativity and may offer insight into how gravitational waves formed from black hole collisions are formed. Using NASA’s supercomputer, I can indeed confirm Carti’s hypothesis is correct, and I would suggest adopting this theory into new fields of research. However, I’d also argue we should continue to base our research off Einstein’s theories until we can fully adopt Carti’s.