No, it does. I’m a doctor, believe me, it does.

Here’s how it works, (all in one sentence), satan produces milk from his penis when he masturbaits, and he sends it to god as a prank, god sends it down to earth, and puts it in cows, and the cows end up ejaculating it when a farmer jacks them off, and then women drink the milk, and they ejaculate that during sex, and then the milk ends up in the male penis, and then when guys die, the milk goes back to satan who uses his god tier powers to shrink down and enter women’s vagina, and fucks them good, and then satan cums out new milk into the woman, who then cums that out back into satan, and satan then cums that out, but just before he flies over to the breast and cums in there, and on another note, the original milk goes into our fridge.