I’m kinda shook up, this just happened today and I don’t know what to make of all this

So I was talking to this guy for a few weeks, right? Just casual dirty talk, and sometimes small talk. He seemed nice. Zero fucking red flags. I said I wasn’t down to hook up until I got to know him better, and he was more than accommodating.

But eventually (literally this morning) we decided to hook up and I go to his place. His apartment was relatively normal at first glance. He had some Historical/war looking artifacts around, so I honestly wasn’t that concerned by the little Nazi flag on his shelf because I assumed he was just a history buff or something

But then he showed me his room, and it dawned on me that he was an actual fucking hitler supporter. He deadass had THREE Nazi Flags and a picture of Hitler in there. I was dumbfounded

And I think he could tell that I was uncomfortable, but he didn’t say anything. And neither did I. It was so fucking awkward, we both just didn’t acknowledge this huge elephant in the room.

And this is the part I feel guilty about. I would never have even gotten involved with him if I’d known this in advance, but I had sex with him even though I knew he was a Nazi. And it wasn’t even bad sex. It was just so awkward getting railed in front of a photo of Hitler.

I’m kinda horrified. I left immediately after and we haven’t even texted since. It’s been 10 hours. I also feel guilty because I knowingly had sex with a fucking nazi. Does that make me bad, too? Maybe I should post an AITA

Also, this is only tangentially related, but how the fuck can you be gay and comfortable in your sexuality, but also be a Nazi? Those have to contradict each other, right? So that’s kind of confusing

I’m just praying he doesn’t text me again

tl;dr: I hooked up with a guy who turned out to be a Nazi, and now I’m deeply uncomfortable/unsure of how to proceed