By not giving this female actress erotic make-up, Disney is ruining the sex-empowerment vision George Lucas always had for the series.

Back in the day, most did not want morally wrong characters to be sex-symbols, so that’s why all the Deathstar workers in the original trilogy were men. Which is tragic, because the ’70s was the era of the nazi exploitation genre.

Hollywood made nazis sexy and alluring in the handful of sadistic softcore erotica that was blessing the silver screens. And since the Empire is obviously an allegory for nazis, so many cinephiles like myself waited to see the space equivalent of nazisploitation. But as you know, they never did it, and trilogy after trilogy we true film fans were left with “blue balls”.

Normies look at me like I am crazy when I publicly yearn for an official large-chested Star Wars character to use a Jedi’s own force powers to force them to perform cock-and-ball torture onto themselves, all while getting ready to commit some intergalactic genocide.

Film history acknowledgment aside, a villainous character like that could finally bring some interesting dynamics into the Skywalker family.