Don’t 🚫 be a pussy 🐱 just kick πŸ‘£ the cunt 🐱 let him know πŸ‘ˆπŸ‘‰ who’s in charge πŸ™Œ. People πŸ’© these days.. πŸ“… Humpf… Back ↩ in my πŸ‘ˆ day πŸ“… if any goose 🐀 came 🌊 onto a train πŸš„ station 🏫 we’d just snap πŸ”© the fuckers πŸ‘Ώ neckπŸ”‡ , pluck πŸ— and gut πŸ— the fella πŸ₯ then take him ➑ home 🏠 for tea. 🍡

People πŸ’© these days πŸ“… are too soft πŸ‘ that’s why πŸ‘ this country πŸ’· is going to shit πŸ’© !!! πŸ˜₯