Imagine being a doctor who does circumcisions on babies. Where does the foreskin go? You could keep it and horde a diverse collection of neonatal foreskins, and then let them dry up. Imagine pouring them into milk as a cereal substitute, they are nice and crispy, you might need to put them in an oven first to get a flakier texture as opposed to a chewy texture. Now, I understand that the quality may degrade over time, so they should possibly freeze the foreskins to retain the freshness, but also any residue of blood left over after the initial washing, as this may add some spicy kick. Alternatively, you could wear them as rings and make a bold fashion statement. Foreskin may be a more environmentally sustainable and friendly material compared to leather, and with some funding, an aspiring doctor turned fashion designer can launch a successful foreskin career. And why stop at rings? Boots, belts and purses are also options. So please, inform the nearest doctor about these opportunities.