Hello Reddit, I am in desperate need of advice and guidance. What started out as a joke, has turned into a nightmare that I am struggling to come to terms with. Yesterday, I was at a public pool with friends and I brought along some buckets of Nutella as a joke. In a moment of foolishness, I dumped the entire contents of the buckets into the pool, not realizing the consequences of my actions.

The Nutella made everything incredibly slippery, causing chaos and panic. People were slipping and falling, some were seriously injured and taken to the hospital, and tragically, one person even lost their life. The damages caused by the Nutella are estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I feel like I am responsible for this disaster.

I am torn between accepting responsibility for my actions and paying for the damages, or running away from this mess and trying to forget that it ever happened. I am afraid of the legal and moral consequences of my actions, but at the same time, I feel like I have to face them.

Reddit, I need your help. Am I the asshole (AITA) in this situation? What is the right thing to do? I am deeply sorry for what has happened and I want to make it right, but I am not sure how. Thank you for your input.