We hold up and form a tight-knot group in the 7/11. Karen always found things to complain about driving us all mad. We began to get more and more irritated at Karen until one day we snapped. We taped her mouth up and threw her to the zombies on the other end of the parking lot so they wouldn’t come near the 7/11. Well the murder was too much for us, we began feeling guilt and it manifested in various ways. We began to blame one another, and fight amongst ourselves. The zombies in the meantime had surrounded the place due to the smell, but were just idle so there was no way to leave. We were trapped, and the food was running low. Some of us began to lose it more than others. Dan and jay began worshipping the slurpee machine. Soon, bored out of our minds, the others began to join in, including myself. Eventually though even that wasnt enough and we went back to fighting again. It had been two weeks since our evil act killed that woman. All of a sudden we heard a horn in the distance. We all stopped bickering immediately and an excitement came over us. “Is it the military” “The military don’t use horns, idiot” “Don’t call me an idiot, idiot” A lot of fighting ensued once again, honestly it was a miracle the zombies hadn’t heard but even with our fighting we always knew to keep it down. We had all gathered near the front window as we continued talking to see what made the noise. That’s when we saw her, and we knew our day of reckoning was at hand. There on the hill with the sun at her back, and her curls perfectly managed, was Karen. You could see she was a zombie now with the missing arm and eye, but she had make-up of all things. Weren’t zombies supposed to be stupid. Not karen, of course not, after she turned she screamed and demanded to see the zombies managers for her mistreatment, mindless and searching mumbling, “Where’s your manager” for days. Then it hit her, the zombies were dumb they didn’t have a manager, this rage was enough to bring her memories back. She gathered an army of zombies and decided to become the manager herself. The most dangerous thing was never a Karen asking for the manager, it’s when she evolved to BECOME the manager. Now Karen, Queen of the Zombies had come back for her revenge, and we knew our time was up. We begged and screamed, and she only asked one thing…. “Where’s your manager now”