Take Jesus’ name out of your mouth if you invoke him to hate, demonize, and/or marginalize any of God’s creations. Jesus preached love, compassion and he fought for justice. Jesus was a Palestinian Jewish refugee. Jesus was a radical revolutionary who stood up for the untouchables, the poor, the most vulnerable of society.
If Jesus were alive today, he would be at the front lines of the Black Lives Matter movement, the fight for raising the living wage, defending and protecting our undocumented immigrant sisters and brothers, demanding healthcare and healing for all people. Jesus would have stood in solidarity with Muslims who love him too.
Do not invoke Jesus’ name as a justification for hate and intolerance. Grateful to God that I know so many Christians who are God-loving, compassionate, kind, generous and justice seekers to not let those who twist Jesus’ name to fit their ideological diseases be the face of true Christianity.