Shut the fuck up. Shut up, shut up, for fuck’s sake just please shut the fuck up already, god fucking dammit. Has anybody ever told you how incredibly annoying you are? You bringing absolutely nothing to this conversation. You’re not funny or entertaining in any possible way. Is this… is this actually what you do all day long, you meaningless retard? Do you really just sit on your sweaty thrift 10$ plastic IKEA chair doing nothing other than fucking typing this type of nonsense? I didn’t ask you, nobody else fucking did, we honestly don’t care the slightest fuck about your shitty opinion, your existence or anything you have to say. I swear your ass must be jealous because the amount of shit that comes out of fucking your mouth would form a bigger mountain than Mount Everest. Braindead faggots like you should’ve got exterminated in WWII along with other parasites. The fact you dared to open your mouth baffles me. The mere thought of reading another damn word written by you gives me a borderline seizure. I would sincerely rather be getting tortured by ISIS than having to speak to you for one more second. If I was your dad and I found out that this is the kind of crap you dedicate your free time, I would definitely obliterate your fucking elbows, making sure that you will never be able to type again for the remainder of your pathetic and worthless life. You’re an embarrassment to me, and a daily reminder I should have used a fucking condom, you down-syndromed primitive gorilla. You’re lucky that I ain’t a Muslim, because getting your elbows broken would be the least of your fucking worries. I would have split your disgusting greasy body in half between 2 camels running in opposite directions and that wouldn’t even begin to get close to what I would fucking do to you. Scumbags like you end in the deepest and darkest shithole of hell and if you somehow get to heaven, I will drag you down with me and guarantee that Lucifer will use you daily as his fucking fleshlight.