1. you are with the right of abortions (its crime by killing an unborn child)

2.Against the right carry gun (if criminal tried threaten your life with gun you can’t defend your self and if there is more people with guns , crime won’t happen because” immagine if bank robber tried rob bank with gun and every body in the bank has gun, he won’t be able; if crimingl tried mass shooting he won’t be ablebecause every body would be carrying one , so in this situation no body would be hurt and we could prevent deaths”)

3. You are with gay marriage ( so if 2 gay guys had an adopted child (boy) this boy would grow up in an invirement of 2 gay people wich will definitely increase the chances 200% of the little boy becoming gay even if he was born straight wich is fucked up and he won’t have dad figure and mom figur in his life witch is the base of childs personality)

4. Liberals in america abuse the sentence ” black lives matter” ( they would spit on white guy and humiliate his integrity just because of his colour (and they would say ” its not racist because he is white” and they dont believe in racism against white people , they say racist if you only do it for black or brown guy ) and because he is male and they would call him white supremacist and nazzi .

5. If liberals see some one with (MAGA “Make America Great Again” Hat) walking on the street they would humiliate him, hit him spit on him and curse on him just because of his political opinion witch illuminates his fredom of speach. And they fight for fredom of speech. they are just bunch of hypocrite idiots.

6. They protest against the build of the the wall over the border between america and mexico because they don’t believe in borders between countries and because they think it’s racist and at the end you here liberals scream that they don’t want the wall just because it’s racist.)

Still liberal? If yes then i can’t help you, your logic is unixistant. The End