Sincere greetings, my fellow interlocutor. The birthname my parents chose to refer at me was originally Reginald, but as a close friend of mine, you can short it to “Reggie”. I find an attraction to the masculine gender. This fascination of mine is really strong. I can’t give a certain start point of it but just infere in its nature. We could blame it on the way they generally interact with their material surroundings, the scent they emmane radix on the hormones and physiologhy. We could also blame it on that certain, flavour of that anatomy of theirs. I find fascinating the manner they approach from the posterior parts of my body and wrap my torso with their forelimbs. Undoubtely my favorite part is the moment where they entitle myself as enchanting at the time they insert their fallus into my anal cavity. Is that moment when I feel closer to them as their calid exhalations reach my nape, as I become aware of the human heat they emmane. Sure I have a soft spot on. As I become aware of your bizzare look onto me I excuse myself of any action I made that may caused you uncomfortable. These actions were caused of my abstraction into myself as i gave full rein to my imaginaiton. Now, I’m in need of your help to get back to the reality.