Now, normally I don’t go ahead and whine and complain about this game. I have loved this game since season 3 when I started but what in the world is with this amount of gold you can get just from losing? First game of the preseason I have experienced was vs a first strike Ziggs and Tristana botlane, and they inted hard, like reportable hard. Little did I know the actual strat they were doing. with the newer bounty system with their inting made it so that late game once people are starting to group up and side lane split pushing becomes a thing, these 2 would hard push and get up to inhib in like maybe 1-2 mins of pushing, I realize that 1 min split push someone should be there but with their comp you can’t be at the tower and clear the wave because the second the tower agros a minion the tower is gone poof. now with how far behind they are 3 towers is 1050g more than a full bounty trying to kill the fed player, and it doesn’t stop they just go to the next lane. this ended with a 0/12 Tristana obtaining more gold than my 26/5 Lilia. So inevitably when Lilia goes to stop them from their next push she gets 1 shot just from the gold advantage she was 4 levels over but item and a half behind.

 so guess its time to officially uninstall this shit game. next few games the new dragon souls are a joke and a half makes the other souls not worth even playing for. because if you are behind anyways no point in fighting for drag just grab a tower or baron for 3x more gold than what dragon can give you anyways back get instant item advantage and just stomp. Really makes the game more of a lose to win? this preseason is 5 no 10x worse than Yorik release and now has shown me that yes the riot team can make this game worse, and a lot worse.