1. disboard

2. egoist

3. i think a lot of people get so tied up in being “good” or “moral” that they become unhappy trying to be someone other people want them to be. they believe in this supreme, godlike idea that flat out doesnt exist. i dont believe in the things i do because im forced to, i believe in them because ive thought about them and concluded they are good beliefs for me. i think the state is fundamentally against the person, the individual, as it forces people to believe in certain things. im american, so i see a lot of patriotism. why be patriotic? is america a concrete entity or is it something youre told exists and you accept it without question. i also just want to be left alone and for the government to stop fucking people like me over.

4. all oppression overlaps. you arent excluded from oppression for being a majority in one thing although being more than one minority makes shit worse.

gonna be honest with you, im here to ask one question as it pertains to my writing, and anarchists are who i want to answer my question. dont worry, im not gonna try to debate anyone, but i have an issue with my writing that needs anarchic ideas to fix.