Lucky for you Christmas is soon 😉

Edit: Thanks for the updoot kind stranger. I would like to dedicate this comment to my dog for always being there for me, my bed for being there for me to lay on while I type, and most importantly, my thumbs for typing it. I could not have done it without you. I’m almost in tears with my success. Thank you world. Expect an AMA thread from me soon. I’m basically famous

Edit 2: OMG an AWARD I’m rich thank you so so so much I would like to dedicate the other half of this post to the very generous stranger that decided to give me this award which I will cherish forever. You will forever be in my heart and soul. I feel like we’re connected spiritually and I know you feel the same <3

Edit 3: If one of you degenerates posts this on [r/copypasta]( I’m gonna make WWII look like a children’s event