A little bit of a rant because I am in my Demon King phase (not a good moment to talk to me) but I was just thinking about how my future gf should feel, smell, taste, touch, shiver, and eat. Anyways, Mami Chans hair smells bubble gummy, kind of lavander most likely she buys conditioner too (all cute girls do). How do I ensure my future GF smells exactly how Mami chan smells? How can I bring this up in convo organically? I should probably buy 3-5 bottles of shampoo and 2 bottles of conditioners and show them to her so she feels obligated to wash her hair the way I want it to be washed. Right? I’m thinking about this more and more, tbh It’s giving me a massive headache of substantial proportions. Anyways maybe if y’all can hand me some advice be good.