You can’t even answer the question, you divert to another direction of conversation everytime, that and your combination of laugh reacts without a legitimate rebuttal and attempts to use certain words to sound superior, without actually answering the question are all the hallmarks of an idiot, who doesn’t infact have an answer, just opinions. Watch, you will laugh react to this to without rebuttal, it’s the standard response for people who lack substance and intelligence.

There isn’t conspiritorial reasons there is valid reasons.
One being there’s never been an mRNA vaccine or RNA technology platformed licensed vaccine in human history, let alone at warp speed
It typically takes 5-15 years to bring a vaccine to production which is why they’re applying for emergency authorisation through the shortest vaccine trials in human history.
Certain pharmaceuticals haven’t released the relevant data or been transparent through the process, which independent scientists are being vocal about.
So far there is a pattern of neurological type adverse reactions in clinical trials.
Most pharmaceuticals didn’t actually bother to test whether it reduces transmission just whether it lessons symptoms however it’s not clear which age demographic that was in or the comorbidities present which is important because most people get either mild symptoms or are asymptotic regardless of vaccination status.
They have all demanded legal indemnity and there is no vaccine compensation scheme in Australia.
Fast tracked process, new platform with no long term safety studies, new virus.
The virus has an extremely high recovery rate in certain demographics of people, and there isn’t anything in trials currently providing it blocks transmission.
So people can make their own personal assessment on their risk benefit ratio which is completely acceptable discord. It isn’t your business to remove bodily autonomy, unless you’re willing to commiting to personally financially compensating any medical costs, loss of wages, and financial pay outs to any person who does suffer an adverse reaction, which scientists are insisting WILL happen, so none of this is conspiracy, perhaps you should stop trying to be the gatekeeper on medical bodily autonomy.
The HPV vaccine was the last fast tracked vaccine (still longer then this). Merck’s currently in court fighting fraud because of their unethical trials, false claims, omitting details, and causing infertility, actually increasing risks of cancer, and leaving women with autoimmune diseases bound in bed and in wheelchairs, one of the reasons it was banned in parts of Europe.
So perhaps understand it’s not all sunshine trust and rainbows and there’s legitimate reasons people wish to refuse the vaccine.