A mature adult knows that even on social media you are respectful! That you take others feelings into account. Check yourself little girl. And as for your manners. Well manners matter everywhere! Social media is real world miss. Your social media reflects you as a person. You need to grow up and fast. You think you are entitled to behave anyway you like, to sling respect to others only if they give it to you. It don’t work that way. You give respect until someone gives you a legitimate reason to take it away. You keep calling it trivial because you fail to understand the very real issue. You are an entitled selfish spoiled little brat who thinks she should have her own way. Wrong!!! Wake up call!!! It don’t work that way!!! If you were raised the way I was you would understand that no matter where you are, no matter where you say things (social media included) you present yourself the way you want to be seen. But obviously you wish to be seen as a disrespectful, spiteful, uneducated, whiney, cantankerous little brat child. So I’ll allow you that. Words fall upon deaf ears as they say. And I must say, you are one of the most incorrigible people I’ve ever had the displeasure to speak with. The amount of self-entitlement that your words reak of is tremendous. It’s sickening. And I would love for you to say these things to my face little girl. I’ll bet you’re such a hardass that you’d tell your own mother and father to go fuck themselves am I right