There was this guy, great guy, really. Trust me, he was great. So great, I’d say, he was greater than other greats. Anyway, there was this guy, a great guy, and he looked at me and he said, he said, Donny, why is your cock so yuge? And I said to this guy, great guy, I said, come here and we can work out the details. So he comes here and I slip my yuge cock into his ass. Great ass, great guy, really. Trust me. Anyway, I finish fucking him with my throbbing presidential cock and I say, that’s why it’s so yuge. He says to me, and he says this while he looks my in my eyes, Donny, I finally get it now, as the light fades from his eyes and I finish stripping the life force from his frail body. And my cock gets a little bit yuger.