Oh deary me! It appears you have fallen victim of one of my numerous ironic ploys! You fell for the false evidence and devised a fallacious conclusion, just like I planned.

Well, I feel inclined to inform you that no, I do not actually watch hentai. My search history was a carefully set up trap for a foolish individual such as yourself to be on the wrong end of. I know what you’re thinking, though. Indeed, I must admit my searches were a bit too specific to seem ironic, and a rational individual would assume that my vast knowledge in such niche subgenres would come from an unironic experience. However, this was merely another one of my facades. A trick, so to speak, to enable you to reach this conclusion.

And now, well now you look like a fool, and you have subjected yourself to mockery by myself and your peers. Unless, of course, you were to keep it between us.

I promise I won’t tell a soul 😉