1 1 fhs vhs sss ss es des space pa despa city of york city york cityo cito despacito despacito is an acronym of the Space City of D.York on the surface of mars despacito means slowly slowly is the years on mars they are 2x as ;long as earth years\] earth inhabits life cities contain people people are lives lives are found on space space we go to mars the Space city of D. York city has lives there’s life on mars mars planet solar system space there’s life in space life death resurrection deceased de spa cito despacito is death you will be killed by despacito despacito sung by luis fonsi luis fonsi death is luios fonsi you will die by luis fonsi [https://tenor.com/view/yes-cool-dance-mascot-killer-bean-gif-17053379](https://tenor.com/view/yes-cool-dance-mascot-killer-bean-gif-17053379) this is game theory shit right here