As bad as the writing is for this Sonic fanfiction. I really admire people who don’t let the fact that they suck, stop them from writing in spite of that and just proceed with telling the story they wanna tell regardless of how bad it turns out. Like that was all such ass! I mean like really, really bad through and through. But yet, they do it anyway. That’s more than I can say for myself. I really wish I was more like those fanfiction writers… well in attitude at least… writing not so

My schools and internet forums have told me I write well. It’s no good however, because if I’m not perfect I throw a tantrum and don’t bother
writing for the rest of the semester. Which is in all honesty the worst attitude one can have for any art form. Messing up activities are no big
deal. Though, when it comes to writing or drawing. Suddenly everything becomes much more personal. To the point where failure no longer feels acceptable.

Sonic fanfictions truly are an inspiration to behold!