Yo guys, my name is Tyrone, and just to clarify for those getting annoyed at the title, I’m not a home wrecker. Once you hear my story, I’m sure any sane, reasonable person will back me. Anyway, I met a woman in a bar last month. She told me that she and her husband were married still, but were in the process of divorce.

Their marriage had been perfect until the release of the Nintendo Switch in 2017. Then he became addicted. He kept trying to get her to play with him, often asking for game recommendations on Reddit for her, despite making it pretty clear she didn’t want to join in. But whilst this was a minor inconvenience, the breaking point was yet to come.

In 2018, Celeste released, and that was what broke it. He became an animal, refusing to leave the basement, and leaving his wife isolated and alone often throughout the day. He began buying a lot of indie gems, and the COVID pandemic really became the breaking point. She (wife) began checking the finances on a more regular basis, and discovered thousands of pounds exiting the account.

He was spending lots on Joy Cons, indie games, £60 ports of games, and 100 copies of Celeste and multiple copies of numerous Nintendo game. She had a word with him, and he promised to stop buying insane amounts for multi billionaire companies. However the money started going again, with his defence being that Nintendo were just an Indy company.

He made another promise, in one attempt to fix the marriage. He promised to no longer spend money on video games without his wife’s permission. When she checked the finances one last time and saw he was still spending the money, she rightfully lost her shit. He defended it as a charity payment, saying he was just paying to Nintendo, who needed his charity to stay afloat.

She tried to divorce him, but he refused to divorce, because he is worried he might lose his Switch in the divorce proceedings. Anyway once she told me that at the bar, I still liked her, so I went home to her place. Her husband was at home, they were separated but still living together. It was a bit weird having sex with her whilst he was in the house first time, but he seemed pretty Ok with it.

In fact, he asked me to play Super Mario 3D World with him after me and his wife had sex. He doesn’t mind the sex, he doesn’t want to have sex with his wife anymore, he’s content having “naughty time privately with Daddy Nintendo.” This kept going on, and we maintained this weird but amicable relationship until last week.

Is he the asshole here?