I was in Mexico. The year was 2018. I was in my room playing Fortnite: Battle Royale when all of the sudden, a Mexican Drug Cartel member came into my room and held an FN 5.7 caliber to my head. “Give me the money you owed us two months ago, Alejandro,” he said. He had the wrong person and as he was about to fire a warning shot, he noticed on my TV screen that I was playing Fortnite: Battle Royale. “Dude, you playing Fortnite: Battle Royale, my favorite game available on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PC, Mobile, and XBOX? Dude, you should friend me on my Epic Account so we can duo. My name is XXX\_CoolDude\_XXX,” he said ,”What’s you Epic Account?” “MiguelCarlos2020” I claimed. As he suddenly found out I was not the man he was looking for, he left me alone and within 5 hours after he left, I got his friend request. He was really bad and I understood why he was desperate for a player two.