Alright, that’s it. I’ve seen enough of this shit to finally take the time to make a copypasta about it.
First, yes, some of the fluid in female ejaculate is urine. However, there is far more to it than that. Women have these things called Skene’s glands, two small glands just inside of the urethral opening. Their job is to secrete fluid meant to lubricate the urethra, which aids in the vulva’s self-cleaning properties and helps prevent UTIs. When sexually stimulated, some women can produce a lot of fluid from these glands, but they do not produce any “velocity,” so to speak. However, during sexual stimulation, the urethra can fill with this fluid, and upon orgasm, the woman’s muscles contract powerfully and this can eject the fluid in a manner that could be called squirting.
That said, this is no spray of liquid, more of a small spurt that lasts no longer than a fraction of a second. When you see videos where a woman is dispensing any sort of stream, that is urine either alone or combined with the liquid from the Skene’s glands. However, in these situations, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t fall under the category of “squirting.” Who really cares what organ produces the liquid? Simple fact is that a woman is so turned on and feels so much pleasure that her body is just going to do what it’s going to fucking do. If a woman pees a little during an orgasm, don’t let that distract you from the fact that she’s fucking off the wall with excitement and it doesn’t devalue the situation at all.
Of course, this is constantly faked in porn. Actresses just wiggle around and pee. Guess fucking what, all professionally produced porn is fake. These people are banging in a room full of bored crewmembers, under burning set lights, on a tight schedule. Of course the firehose blasting out from between the woman’s legs is pee. BIG WHOOP. IT’S PORN.
Squirting really does happen. Many women never experience it, but for the ones who do, the last thing they need is you atrocious fucking boils on the face of reality complaining that they’re faking it and just peeing. See porn for what it is, but don’t you go saying that it physically can’t happen, because you’re barking up a tree so wrong that you ain’t even in the right goddamn forest.