It was a late summer’s day at my local 7/11 and I had the sudden urge to masturbate due to the sexy magazine rack near the entrance of the store. I took a magazine with Kate Upton on the cover and then I started to stroke my dangling behind the snack isle since it was a blind spot for the CTV cameras. When I felt my climax reaching, I opened the refrigerator door behind me where there were some refreshing sodie pops and took a coke zero. I unscrewed the cap and released my seed into the bottle. In order to hide the gunk that was floating on top of the coke, I shook the pop furiously until the jizz sunk to the bottom, where nobody could see it. I put the coke back in the fridge and walked back home.
The next day I came back and did the process all over again and again until one day I come to 7/11 and there is yellow tape surrounding the store with hazmat people all over the vicinity. Later that day I saw on the local news that there was a major aids outbreak in the community, linked to the 7/11 in my area. That is when I found out that I had contracted HIV from one of my sexual partners. On the plus side, I did not need to go to the hospital in order to find out I have aids. Would I masturbate in coke zeros at my local 7/11 again? Yes I would because there is a nice afterthought when I do the dirty deed because I think of how my seed will enter lots of tummies and ill have lots of children grow inside of their bellies, thus my legacy shall forever live on when I die from a Pneumonia complication with my HIV.
I am also looking for work at a bottle processing plant, can anybody help find me one? Preferably at Coca-Cola™ or Pepsi-co™. I will need to be paying those damn medical bills soon!