People 😊 who believe ✴️ in astrology 💎 are being oppressed😔! Almost everyone👬👭👫 that laughs😂 at me👿 for judging👎 others based on what month📅 they were born🤱 I had to cut✂️ out of my life🧬. I had to do the same💔 when I found🤝 out that my dad🤢🤮 (ugh) didn’t💔 believe💔 in astrology🦀 and that “my fancy🦾 rocks🍱 aren’t going to do anything😭” he said that he raised😒 me to be christian✝️ and not some hippy☯️. He is honestly🔨 showing😧 his hated🤬 and oppression😡 towards🥷🏿 womxm👸. I learned to get my revenge🤜 from then on. My (gay🏳️‍🌈, polygamous🙋🙋‍♀️🙋🙋‍♀️, Aries♈, sexually identified latinx🙋🏽‍♂️, Trisha stan💓) best friend🙀 gave💀 me the best idea👀. He would🔨 try soliciting🧎🏽‍♂️ my dad🤮 in his car🚘. And I would stay👍 in the back👈 to do🤷 a surprise murder🔪 once they’re done😖💦! But here the oppsie😱. He wasn’t interested😘 in him😠. I thought👁️👄👁️ that was impossible👊 since my bff🤏🏽 has the chrisma💆🏽‍♂️ of a aries♈. I couldn’t stand🧍 this homophobic🏳️‍🌈❌ aditude🔕 vibez my dad🤮 gave to my bestie🙋🏽‍♂️! So I shot🔪 him Three3️⃣ times🕣 does that make it trez🔨 wrongs❌? Anyways💆‍♀️ I was like “oh yes, I like this” and blindly👩‍🦯 shot more rounds🥃! But without realizing I accidentally shot🥃 my My (gay🏳️‍🌈, polygamous🙋🙋‍♀️🙋🙋‍♀️, Aries♈, sexually🍆 identified latinx🙋🏽‍♂️, Trisha stan💓) bestie💆🏽‍♂️! So in order to heal👨‍⚕️ him I got some of my obsidian♣️ and jasper🥦 gemstones⛰️ and put them inside🤏🏽 of his wounds⛲. But it’s taking longer⏳ than I expected😒😲! (Must be because he is an aries♈ so he needs some🕳️ more🤕 energy💡⚡ and time🕣) but I couldn’t stay🤑 for long🤥 because my dumb🏋️ racist👺, homophobic🏳️‍🌈❌, sexist💆‍♀️❌, bi erasure🇬🇼, republican🐘, non vegan🥩, 4chan🍀 user, straight🍡 neighbor🏚️ called the cops👮‍♂️🚓🚔 on me😱👿! So I went🥷 to his house, shot🔫 his entire family👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 and stole🏃‍♀️ their devil’s cake🧁 since it was so yum🍥! Anyways🚨 now I’m on the run🏃‍♀️ and hiding🥷 in this abandoned🏚️ Kmart🕯️. Rip🏴‍☠️ morgan💀👨🏽‍🦼 I hope you do a strip tease👅 to lucifer👹! Anyways sis💆‍♀️ you be you! Power✊ to women. This👆 is how I💆‍♀️ became an icon✨ and advocate🏃‍♀️