Happy anniversary my beautiful little daddys girl!!! Its been a whole year;w;!!!!! Even tho it feels like its been 20.. Its a good thing tho it means we are really in love .. I love u so incredibly much my gorgeous little stunning baby u make me happy beyond belief.. Im so grateful ans lucky to have somone like u at my side thru thick ans thin ans the hardships we faced ;w;!!!! They have made ys stronger im such a lucky daddy to have u my baby girl i cant wait till i meet u in a couple months baby.. Its gonna be fucking magical n shit i swear to satan ;W;!!!! I CANT WAIT bdnsnksiaa everytime i see u mi amor my heart beat slows ans i just wanna hold u smol cute little self and wants u to know u belong to me… Amd i belong to u . i just wanna hold u forever and never let go my stunning little baby. Before i met u i was a shell.. A dirty depressed porn drawing suicidal mess that cut himself on a daily basis and tried to kill himself 3 or 4 times and then came the day i meet u and my other friend (b >w>!!!) And my life was okii. Cause i had friends to talk to And then i talked more ro the person i thought i never had a a change in hell with and fell and more and more in love with her ans wantering more than i wanted my self alive .. It was crazy i had never felt this kind if love before amd one day i wss gonna ask a question that felt like if i was gonna ask i was gonna also die. I was gonna ask “wanna go out? ;___;” but i could she asked the question first “id love to go out with u~” i died ans heart sunk i said yes outloud ans squirmed around before i typed anything ans i quickly replyed ans i instantly knew we would be together forever ans always just me and my beautiful little baby girl . who mrans2 more to me than my own life. She is mine ans no one elses!!!>3<!!!! AND AGAIN HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MY BABY GIRL 🐻❤🐰💕💕💕 imma marty the shit outta u my sexii little baby >U>!!!!!!!!