So everyone is all worked up about the N word video but noooooobody has a single issue with the fact the bad, N word spouting “cracker” evil Donald Trump is beaten by calling him gay?

That the shame he’s made to feel because a fucking cartoon penguin called him gay absolutely destroys him?

Well fuck all y’all.

I’m gayer than a French horn and fucking proud of it. No shame in my game but as for gay teens who are still trying to find out who they are in this world and who’s suicide rate is 4X that of straight teens this is the kinda thoughtless bullshit that adds to their already feeling of separation and that they are somehow bad for who they love.

I come to Reddit to get away from the assholes and yet not ONE TIME have I come on here and not encountered some homophobic, shame inducing, it’s bad to be gay comment or post somewhere and this is today’s lucky winner. And so I say unto thee with all the magic, Hope, renewal and promise the New Year brings: fuck you.

And if you’re a young person who is gay and you’re feeling abandoned, alone or “wrong” to you I say : “God ADORES you. Jesus thinks you’re fabulous and if you’ll just hang in there you’ll find the rest of us welcoming you with open arms and acceptance and you’ll come to think of your being gay as a gift, not a curse.

Don’t listen to these status quo knuckle dragging Cracker Barrel eating breeders. I mean they watch NASCAR and think Red Lobster is a nice restaurant. So when you hear them use the words “gay” “faggot” or “queer” as an insult remember they have no idea what they’re sayin. You. Are. Magic.

original post [here](