I first discovered Gachimuchi/Wrestling Series in late 2016 after watching Mowtendoo’s Electric Bodybuilder From The Underground video which lead me to IWF 2016 which is when I was immediately intrigued with its style, tone, and use of Japanese/Korean. Through this I discovered OtoMAD which quickly became my newest hobby and still is 4 years later. I came to love these forms of videos with their mishearings, philosophy, and character names, which lead me to become more interested in Japan and learning the language and finding out that this whole genre had been going on since 2007. In late 2017, I discovered the western version of Gachimuchi with Twitch and their “Right Versions” and began listening to see why they were so popular. These videos had over 100k views with some up to a million which makes no sense because of how poorly made they were and just how cheap they sounded. I realised that the people eating up this schlock in the comments were just calling it “great” or “gachigasm” and not seeing how headache inducing they were. I know Gachimuchi can be taken anyway it wants to with it being a meme and all but at least have standards, people. Can someone explain to me why some of you find these bland things entertaining? You can do much better when the Japanese have made better videos back in 2010. I know some of you will say “it’s just funny gay porn haha” but give me actual reasons instead of calling me a “weeb” and using your irritating twitch lingo which you’ll definitely do now because I pointed it out.