Imagine if your wife fucking left you for a goddamn bee. Like jesus christ they only live for 30 full days that’s not even enough time to develop a good relationship. If you ask me my man Ken dodged a bullet right there. That fucking bee even got his wife involved in a court case, the fucking manipulative psychopath. And for what even, fucking honey?? Its a healthy nutritious product and the bees don’t even get hurt when they collect it. In fact they get a free fucking hive in a protected area for fuck sake . And besides after they ban honey collection what do you think will happen to those bees in the hives huh? That’s right the fucking honeybee holocaust. Do they think the beekeepers will just keep those little fuckers for fun?? Hell no they’ll get exterminated at speeds unbeknownst to man. That will then cause all the other fucking plants to die because you know pollens and shit and then that’s it for us too. The end of the world as we know it. All because some horny bitch wanted some fancy jazz listening bee dick. I say fuck her man, i hope Ken is doing well for himself that man deserves it.