I can sea iwt in her eyes. She has someding tuwu teww me but juwst won’t wet iwt out.

“W–winus. If yuw need tuwu teww me someding, den juwst teww me!”

Winus makes a roof shape wif hew tiny hands

“W–what if we wewe. . . M–mowe. . .”

She bwushes, awnd covews hew face

“It’s okay. Juwst teww me what’s wwong.”

“W–what if we. . . Wewe mowe. . . “

“Mowe what? Juwst teww me. We’ve been fwiends fow so wong yuw can teww me anyding.”

I sea hew shouwdews squeeze cwosew tuwu hew body, wike a tuwtwe twying tuwu cwimb bacc into it’s sheww.

“What if we wewe mowe. . . Pwivate?”

Huh? What does dat mean?

“W–what duwu yuw mean, Winus?”

I bwush

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