I, with many marks of exclamation, would like to point out the fact that I have not stumpled upon this emplacement in the Internet as of before this moment. I would like to hold up a tool typically used for the exercise that is consumming digerable material which can be refered to as combination between a spoon, and a fork. The string of characters by which the entity that I represent is refered to is Katy, but another transliteration of the compilation of wavelenghts and amplitude regarding a wave traveling in air that may be used to refer to my person is “The aquatic, flyless bird of imminent negative evenments”.

This may provoke a case of rhytmic contraction of the diaphragm and vocal chords known as laughter, and I would like to point out the inprevisible and seemingly derived from a sequence of data of unpredictable contenance. This, I believe, is the reason that motivates my envy to frequent this network of data and connections between computer, which may be referred to as belonging to the Internet.

The secondary goal to my venue is connect with people which have attributes, namely unpredictable behavior, similar to those that my person can be said to have. I have gained consciousness of the socio-economic and physical landscape of the part of the planet in which I have done the activity vulgarily reffered to as “coming to this world” since more than 13 times the orbital period of Earth around the mass of Hydrogen undergoing thermonuclear fusion into Helium and fission back into Hydrogen commonly called “The Sun”. Despite the common regard being that people of similar conception time being “immature”, that is having childish attributes and a sense of life that is recent and not well fabricated, I assure you that I can be mistaken for a person of much higher age, that is the period of time since which I have begun the activity known as life. One of the activities that procure a discharge of endorphin and serotonine to my central nervous system is watching the television show named “Invader Zim”, with the close proximity of my girlfriend.

Despite the populous depiction and belief of person which have been asigned the secual orientation of bisexuality, that is that they are attracted to both gender, and that this attraction is assigned by forces outside of their control, I would ask you to proceed without making assumptions about the content of my character. The aformensioned television show Invader Zim is believed by the conscious entity that I represent to be unpredictable in behaviour commonly refered to as “Random”, by which I derive the judgement that the surge of chemicals into my CNS is caused by. My companion is also a person that I believe to have a behavior sharing traits that are important to me, such having a behavior determined by a sequence of behavior having no particular reason in choice. As the popular saying goes by, I think that this particular situation present the occasion to say: “The more, the merrier”. In any way considerable, I have the expectation and hope that I will engage in a lot of platonic relations with people frequently connecting to this network. I give my approbation to the general tendance of Internet communities to give many related thoughts, vulgarily called “comments”.


Please excuse the recent interuption in the text to my personality trait of having an unpredictable behavior, which caused my CNS to make a link between, what is called by the vulgus, my nickname, that contain the sequence of characters “Impending negative event”, capitalized it and appended a mark of exclamation. I would like to append at the end of this electronic communication using the international network called “Internet” the *vulgaire* expression “toodles”, which is derived from the French locution “tout à l’heure”, that shares a similar waveform.

I would, finally, like to dispense the sentiment known as love and the digestible material known as waffle.

Finally, here is my signature, consisting of my common alternative appelation:

“Katy, the aquatic, flyless member of ovidae of imminent negative event.”
