I’m so tired of men wanting sex

It’s sex. It’s always sex. I’m so tired of it. I can’t get away from it. I know I have a good personality, I know I’m intelligent, can hold a conversation, empathetic, kind, funny, pretty. All this stuff. Why don’t they want a relationship? Am I not worth that? No man has ever asked me to be his girlfriend, only to have sex with him, be his fwb, etc. My ex did ask me but he only ever talked about sex. Ugh. Anytime a man mentions wanting to have any form of sexual contact with me anymore, it makes me sick and I get really mad. I just roll my eyes and try to withhold my inner rage. What about me gives you that vibe? Absolutely nothing. I don’t dress provocatively. I don’t insinuate anything sexual. Ever. This guy pursued me for the longest then told me he wasn’t romantically interested, only sexual. Like wtf? Why would I do one without the other? And I already told him multiple times I don’t do that. And he kept trying to seduce me. First of all I’m not even attracted to you, and second of all don’t ever disrespect me like that. I got really pissed and blocked him everywhere. He was borderline sexually harassing me, the way he would randomly kiss me and I would tell him that’s disgusting don’t do that, and then he’d be like sorry and do it again a few minutes later. Blocked. goodbye. Made me absolutely disgusted. My first love, pursued me forever, saying how he was so into me, I was a beautiful person inside and out. telling me he loves me. Then as soon as we get together it’s sex. And he’s constantly asking for nudes. And only ever wanting to hang out to have sex. And getting on the phone and talking about sex. Everything is sex. Like dude, did you know I could draw? Did you know I can cook? Im a very sexual being, I’m far from a prude, but that’s not all that I am for gods sake. I’m sick of mens disgusting addiction to sex. Like drop it already. I hate when men walk up to me in public. I hate when they comment on me being attractive. I hate when men I know are in relationships try to hit on me. It’s so sick. It breaks my heart. Because I know if it happens to other women, it could happen to me. Why are men so easy? I think I have a problem because I’m so put off by any man showing any sexual desire for me. It makes me want to cry. I hate it. It makes me uncomfortable. I want to be seen as a person. I feel exploited. I’ve felt that way since I was like 16 and realized just how much sex rules everything men do. And the amount of older men who would say gross things like i’ll wait for you until you’re 18. And I’m never naive enough to think it’s just me. They will literally take anything they can get. It makes me sick. I’m so cautious around men because they will pose as your friend and then wait to hit on you or make their move. They’re like predators. I don’t even make friends with men anymore because I’m suspicious. Most women deal with attention from men. I’m not especially attractive or appealing. any woman on the street will tell you they get attention from men . My friend purposely dresses a certain way to elicit this attention from men. I don’t know how she does it. I find it sick to be hit on sexually it makes me feel degraded. I should talk to my therapist about this. I don’t know if other women feel this level of rage and discomfort when approached by men. I just want to be respected and seen as a person. Loved. I don’t want to be seen sexually. Please i’m tired. I gain sexual attraction when I decide a man deserves it from me. I am physically incapable of having sex with anybody I’m not really into.