Turj menโ€™s \[INFERIOR\] DNA (with small pp) can only make women give birth to 1 offspring at best while Kurdi men with their \[SUPERIOR ARYAN\] dna (and thick ARYAN pp) can sire more then ten ~~ossi offi~~ offspring before the age of 30๐Ÿ˜Žโ˜๐Ÿผ

In about a hundred years \[INFERIOR\] Turj population will dwindle and \[SUPERIOR ARYAN\] Kurdis will be the majority, taking over the entire country. The wonderful ~~vussatili vessa~~ versatility of \[INFERIOR\] Turj women DNA will give birth to a new era. A stronger ear

Weโ€™re playing some 5D chess here, donโ€™t hate the player, hate the game๐Ÿ˜Žโ˜๐Ÿผ

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