I see so many people say Dudunsparce is lazy just because it’s a bigger Dunsparce but like that’s possibly the most thought out way to evolve on the concept of the Pokémon Itself. 1 spike vs 1000 spikes isn’t laziness. Laziness is whether or not there should be spikes at all and why.

An evolution where the Pokémon is just itself but bigger is only lazy if it’s on the wrong Pokémon. Like if primeapes was just slightly larger and still alive and called Primerilla. If dunsparces evo was some random detailed super dragon that would’ve been lazy, since it doesn’t build on Dunsparces concept.

Dunsparces name is literally Dunce and Sparse. Literally Stupid and Rare. It’s not some weak creature destined to turn into some menacing monster. That’s what magikarps for. Dunsparce is just stupid. Thus it evolves into Du-Stupid and that is carefully thought out perfection.