Like acorns🐿 grow into mighty oaks🌳, small amounts invested💵 can grow your wealth📈. Did you know🤔 you can change your life🌎 from all these small amounts🌚? Acorns🌰! The micro investing👨🏻‍💻 app📲 takes your spare change💰, and grows it💸 over ⌛️time⏳. Set it📌, forget it💁🏻‍♂️, and let it all work out🤷🏻‍♂️ in the background🌆 of life🎭. Anyone👥 can grow🔥 their wealth 💵(get the app📲), so grow📈 your wealth💵 (get the app📲), invest💰 in yourself👤! (Get the app📲), invest💸 in yourself👤 (tell🗣 your friends👥) ACOOORNS🌰, grow your oak🌳 ACOOORNS🌰. Grow.👨🏼‍🔬 Your.👤 Oak.🌳