So Steve has 37 inventory spaces (counting the offhand slot) and he can put a shulker box in each one, each shulker box has 27 spaces, 37 * 27=999, in each of these 999 slots he can fit a 64 stack of gold blocks, which is 63,936 blocks of gold, Steve can also be wearing gold armor, a full set of gold armor is 25 ingots making 25/9 extra blocks or 2.777 extra blocks for a total of 63,938.8 (rounded to the nearest tenth) blocks of gold, a Minecraft block is one cubic meter, a cubic meter of gold is 42,580 pounds, meaning Steve can carry 42,580 * 63,938.8 pounds of gold, or 2,722,514,104 pounds of gold, which is 1,234,909.76325 metric tons, to put this into perspective, the heaviest weight ever lifter was a measly 6,270 pounds by Paul Anderson , less than 1/100,000th of Steve’s record, but not only that, Steve can run at a full sprint, jump a meter high, stay afloat, and climb a ladder holding all this weight, this is what peak male performance looks like.