Wow, I can’t believe how many truly stupid comments on here. That is the problem with labels, especially ones that people use incorrectly. I don’t know what a “trap” is. It sounds like a slang term for transvestite which is a person who likes to dress up as the other sex. It has nothing to do with their sexuality as most transvestites are heterosexual. I also wonder when “gay” became the universal term for anyone homosexual? If so they should change the LGTB acronym. Gay is a homosexual man, lesbian is a homosexual woman. Whatever the semantics, no one mentioned sex. The ones, which I noticed were almost universally men, who immediately and vehemently agreed yes and then went into a tirade of hate speech should read up on homophobia and what it is usually a sure sign of. It determines who wants to have sex with them more than who they want to have sex with. Most of the time it’s to express a feeling they are missing. Usually because people are stupid and they are mean. Gender schemas and gender roles that societies create, argue, and then judge, rank, and police each other are changing thank goodness. But unfortunately people are not.