To my love💗, Kirbizia.

  I can still remember the day you made me mod. It was raining 🌧 really hard, and I had🈶 a🅰️ horrible😝 cold🌨. I was bored 😒 as🅰️ a🅰️🅰️ homeless man👮 when I got🉐 the DM. I was 🆘so🆘🆘 happy😁😁 to know you 💋liked💋💋 me enough to trust me with the responsibility.

  I’m so🆘🆘 glad that we’ve gotten to be close😚 friends🐶 and I’m 🆘so 🆘🆘 glad that I 🉐get🉐 to call📲 you my 😊crush😊. You are always 🆘so🆘🆘 sweet🍭🍭 to me and are even🌒 patient with me when I don’t moderate well. (I’m glad one1️⃣1️⃣ of us🇻🇮 is good📈📈 at modding!).

  I think💭 I’m the luckiest🍀 guy👷 in OKBR, because I’m with the nicest, cutest, smartest, funniest😄😄 girl💁! My 👪parents👪 even🌚 💖like 💖 you. 😉

  I know that I’m going through a 🅰️ lot with college🎓 applications and thinking 🤔 about our future📡📡, but ❎no ❎ matter what😦😦 happens, I just want you to know how much you mean😏 to me and how much you’ll always 😏mean😏😏 to me.