The Elundis Core is an anomalous object presumed to be lcoated below the Earth’s crust somewhere in between the asthenosphere and the mesosphere. It is presumed to reside dormant under “Yellowstone National Park” in Wyoming, United States of America. Its exact size and shape is unknown but rumored to be completely spherical, with mild indentations. Its very nature is unknown, but open to speculation. It creates both magmatic and gravitational anomalies that can be observed using sensitive recorders. It has been worshipped by the native Americans with artifacts resembling it, found dated several centuries before the europeans arrived and colonized North and South America. To this day, there are still people that engage in worship of the anomalous object. There are numerous propehcies about the Elundis Core and how it will one day activate and the result will be the complete extinction of all life on Earth. Ancient scripts detailing how the ‘second heart’ of the Earth will start beating, and how the earth will start to breathe fire burning everything on it. Few rare Native American songs are attributed to the Elundis Core. Yellowstone is confirmed to be a dormant supervolcano possibly housing the mysterious Elundis Core under its crust.

 Its origins are unknown, but for sake of speculation I think it is the result of the impact that created the moon way back in Earth’s history. Let us name this formal planet ‘Elundis’. I believe that its core lodged itself below the crust as the planet smashed into the Earth where it lays dormant for 4.5 billion yearas so far. Several cults have been recorded to worship the Elundis Core. Most of these cults are homicidal and without morals, creating both animal and human sacrifices to the unholy Elundis Core so that they postpone the inevitable extinction of all.

 Scientist and philosophers have also speculated that the federal government of the United States has underground facilities under Yellowstone doing research on something, presumably the Elundis Core…but if it exists, not even God himself can save us