Boom Moom here. I wanted to touch base on a topic that may sound a little WeiRD. The other day while driving around town( Fort Wayne Indiana) I found myself in a large concoction of terrible drivers. I had already been cut off several times not to mention the quick slamming of brakes and tailgating . After being cut off about 4 times I found myself suddenly wanting to play slither ON THE ROAD. I literally had to tell myself , NO Boom Moom this is not slither. You may not chase someone down and cut them off , nor shall you follow them inconspicuously until you get revenge. You ARE NOT A SNAKE/WORM ( cause as my teammate Horror would say how do U drive ? worms can’t drive , they have no arms lol) and this is just not the human thing to do. PLEASE TELL ME IM NOT Alone. Slither comes to me in many aspects of my life including dreams. I have a couple teammates that have had these same WEIRD occurrences. I guess I may be a true slither addict. May all of you snakes and worms have safe travels and remember NO SLITHER DRIVING but dreaming is ok.

Sincerely. BOOM MOOM