Video games are changing the world. That’s a fact. There’s games like animal crossing to GTA. It’s up to a parent to decide whether they want their child exposed to certain things. Not the people of that… subreddit. To be honest young kids shouldn’t play M rated games. Again, parents choice. It’s a parents job to step up and say, “do I want my child to be exposed to this?” And it should always be. Now, video games. They have made me happy in bad times, helped me learn to socialize better with friends, learn a new skill, and bond with people. They help me use strategy or creativity. They’ve gotten me through the worst parts of my life and without them I would hate my life a lot more. Maybe in a video game, you are using teamwork to strategize and win. Maybe being creative. Maybe starting a town. Maybe exploring a cool world, maybe making friends, maybe making an amusement park. Anything. They kind of help me escape what school does to me and how it effects me. But according to the community at this place, (gamers, you should know what.) says I am a descendant of Satan and need to suffer eternal punishment and learn the ways of God. Funny how I am a Christian that went to mass on every Sunday I could and took ccd classes. I see obviously photoshopped images of PS4s with guns in them or animal crossing being renamed terrorism concentration camp, or saying ninja tweeted he avoided rape charges. If you believe that, find a life. You can literally see where they cropped stuff out and if you say anything apparently you need to go to a REHABILITATION CENTER and admit they found evidence is (g\*mers!!!!!!!!) are wrong. You are wrong Karen. You are wrong for assuming our lives and making us feel horrible. I hope all gamers see this just to know what this place is, check it out, and see what they say. You’ll laugh, but then just feel angry and sad. We need to rise up against these retards.