(Original comment by u/noshadsi on r/PeopleFuckingDying.)

I have…and i know them, they are nothing but space occupying lazy useless fur balls, im not brain washed as you choose to be, you think your cat is nice? And listens? Have you ever had a cat be near the smell of food being cooked? It becomes a different animal than the one you knew minutes prior to the process of cooking that started the smell, worst of all…its when the food being cooked is fish. That animal is now hulking out to claw at the food that doesnt belong to it but it thinks it does…you can train a dog to not think that way but you cant tame a cat that within it’s core and instincts so deep, is this encoded behavior that everything is his and you all bow down and accept like mindless zombies. I am a firm believer in stereotypes and there is a stereotype for cats and those who like cats where i come from…you all are untrustworthy, because if you are accepting of a cats behavior and ok with it then you are very much likely to behave like one too, meaning coming around only when you are in need.